Friday, February 7, 2014

First Person: Snow Day

I have to admit that it wasn't my ideal choice of assignment, but Monday morning was another snow day.

Luckily, we have the resources to do it right.  The snow wasn't going to come to us.  We went to the snow.  The east and south received the most, so photographer Jason and I jumped in a truck a little before 3:00 AM and pointed it toward Stroudsburg.

The satellite/microwave truck was actually a back up.  We intended to "cable out the door" as we say and use the permanent facilities of our Pocono Newsroom in Stroudsburg.  14 live hits and one noon story later, it was time to call it a day.
There is a deep in winter danger, and that is running out of things to say.  This isn't our first storm this season, and it won't be the last.  It's best to not over think it.  Just describe your surroundings and what you see.  Talk to people.  Ask questions.  Listen.  Learn.

Things have a way of taking care of themselves.

Mixed feelings about Wednesday...  The storm hit on one of my days off.  When you work Saturday and Sunday, your "weekend" falls in the middle of the week.  While it was a relief to stay off snow covered and slippery roads, I missed being part of the team coverage.  Alas, there will be other storms.