Thursday, September 29, 2016

Thursday Scrapple

Delta Medix has announced plans to move in to the Marketplace at Steamtown next year.  it has to be better than some of its current set ups-- long walks, bad parking, cramped spaces...

I'd really like to know some of what led up to the sale of The Commonwealth Medical College.

Mold...  crumbling sports facilities...  falling cement...  It seems we're putting our kids into some lousy buildings and stadiums these days.

Arnold Palmer had a great run, and I am saddened at his passing.

I don't want to be mean, but it seems the death of Miami Marlins pitcher Jose Fernandez was preventable.  Speeding boats in the middle of the night doesn't make any sense, and I can't get that picture of his pregnant girlfriend out of my mind.  This store is tragic on so many levels.

The post presidential debate spin and polling has become tedious.  I'm thrilled that more than 84 million people are concerned enough about their government to have tuned in.

Please, no more Brad and Angelina.

Wells Fargo was really quite the enterprise.  There are some industries that really have to be held to the higher "trust" standard.  Banks and financial services have to be at or near the top of the list.

The Chicago Cubs story this season has been amazing.

Who expected the New England Patriots to be 3-0 ?

My schedule keeps me away from the Bloomsburg Fair.  I really have to return one of these years.

I've tried watching some of the new fall shows, and I've yet to make it through an entire episode of any of them.

My former coworker, Lara Greenberg, won a regional Emmy over the weekend.  It couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

I'm dipping my toe into the "videos on Facebook" water.  Patience, please.