Monday, August 6, 2018


Chances are, you didn't know Lou DeSantis, but I'm sure you knew his work.

Lou retired last week, after 36 years as a photographer at WBRE.  Lou was on the Scranton beat for many of those years, a great guy for the job.  He knew inch of the city, and I think he knew every Lackwanna County resident, including every police officer, firefighter, and public official.

Let me tell you a "Lou" thing.  He possesses a great curiosity and loves to ask questions.  He'll speak up during news conferences and during one-on-ones with reporters.  Here's an "inside TV" thing.  A photographer asking questions used to bother a lot of reporters.  They thought Lou was infringing on their territory, possibly showing them up.

Me?  I loved it!  I can't think of everything, and Lou's valuable experience helped put stories in context.  I appreciated it, way back when, and I encourage young photographers to ask away.  On top of that, it shows the photographer is "in" to the story and that always makes for a better piece.  Lou never needed motivation.  It was always there.

I spoke with Lou on the phone last week.  He sounded great, in spite of a recent health scare.

Lou, enjoy your retirement, and thank you for everything.