Tuesday, September 18, 2018

On the Scent

I've been biking for more than six years now.   While I have expanded my route, there are parts I can travel blindfolded.  The reason?  The nose knows.

There is a section of my route where the stench from a landfill collects, especially on a hot and humid summer night.  After passing through that part of town, the next aroma is from a sewage treatment plant.  

There is one block in Scranton and another in Dickson City where people love to barbecue in the middle of the night.  

I know exactly where I am when the smell of dryer fabric softener sheets hits me, and when I pick up the stale and smoky air coming from a corner bar.

A business that makes concrete and iron products is on my route.  It's been closed for hours by the time I pedal by, but the smell of truck exhaust and diesel fuel hangs in the air.

This seems to have been a banner year for skunks.  They are everywhere.  I'm not complaining.  That's part of the joy of living in northeastern Pennsylvania.

As I think of it, it's a great idea for a travel based map site.  Instead of saying "turn left at the light" you can say "turn left when you smell burgers and dogs on the grill at 2 am."