Wednesday, December 18, 2019

U of S Christmas

You know how I feel about our area's colleges and universities.  Yes, they do eat up a lot of property and make it tax exempt.  On the other hand, they do help drive our area's economy.  They employ thousands, and they really do add something to our area's quality of life.

I've been cramming in a few extra photos here, before I switch to "Top Ten" photos mode for the end of the year.

Above is one of the buildings on the campus of the University of Scranton, and it really catches your eye as you drive down the Central Scranton Expressway.  Because of its location, the U of S is often a visitor's first impression of the city, and it seems they are well aware of that.
As you can see here, the lights alternate, changing from red to green a few times per minute.  Staff at the University of Scranton, well done, and Merry Christmas!