Thursday, August 21, 2008


I'm glad I have to hear the word "veepstakes" only every four years. Bad word.

It appears Barack Obama and John McCain are closing in on their choices. Obama could announce his selection before the end of the day.

Outside of the Olympics and TS Fay, it's been a fairly slow national news cycle, so the network morning shows and the cable news networks have been filled with vice presidential speculation. It was fun and interesting for a while. Now, it's getting tiresome.

There could be a Pennsylvania connection to both parties. Former PA governor Tom Ridge is said to be on McCain's short list. Obama is believed to be considering Joe Biden as a running mate. Biden was born in Scranton.

Of course, after the selection comes the analysis and the spin. It seems endless, but it really isn't. The general election is only two and a half months away.