Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Since You Asked...

A couple people read last week's blog on the passing of radio legend Ron Allen, and have asked me what I did to get in trouble on my first day on the job.

Welcome to Uncle APAL's story time! Let's go back to April of 1981.

I heard about a very bad crash in the middle of the night, and I made a call to the appropriate police department. I won't mention where it was, but I will borrow a technique from my friend John Webster-- it rhymes with Schmenkins Township.

I called a couple times and left messages. An officer called me back a few hours later and I said something like "Boy, you're a tough guy to get a hold of." As God as my witness, I meant nothing negative by it. I was just trying to point out how busy he must have been. Police officers are running from the beginning of their shift to the end. I must have caught the officer at a bad time, but he pointed out how backed up he was, how manpower is limited, and I'm not dealing with a big city police department. I explained it was just an ice breaking remark. It wasn't meant to disparage him or his department, but I do understand how the comment could have been misinterpreted. I got some information, and ended the call.

The person who followed me later called the same officer in the same department, hoping for more information. The officer complained to her about me. It snowballed from there.

The reporter squealed like a stuck pig and made a federal case over it to the news director, who then went to the program director. I was called in, greeted by the nastiest of memos from the news director and an in-person tongue lashing from the program director.

The whole thing could have been avoided if someone asked me what happened. I was strung up, before I had a chance to tell my side of the story.

I've had a lot of bosses over the years. Some good. Some, not so good. One thing I took away from the experience, if I ever become a manager, is to investigate before jumping to conclusions.

In the grand scheme of things, it was really no big deal. I recovered from the episode and stayed at the same place nearly eleven years. Dealing with that police department has never been a problem, to this day.

I've had a lot of reamings over the years, but you always remember your first.