Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Thought I'd Heard It All

Jill Moran quit as Luzerne County prothonotary yesterday. Her resignation letter to Governor Rendell contained the following line: "the circumstances in the Luzerne County Courthouse are making my presence in the office a distraction."

Huh? Do you think we deserve a better explanation than that?

Remember how I wrote a week ago that one of the way people are defending themselves these days is to play "the victim?" I occasionally call it the "Oprah defense." No one wants to take responsibility for their actions. You see it every afternoon at 4 PM. Blame someone else for your problems. In this case, it's those pesky and offending "circumstances in the Luzerne County Courthouse."

How hard can it be? Go to work every day. Enter your office. Sit at your desk. Do your job--- the job people elected you to do, and trusted you to do. Go home when the work is done. Hold your head up high.

Perhaps Ms. Moran should outline her "circumstances" so we get a better feel for what's going on under the dome.