Thursday, October 8, 2009


I'm officially tired of the following:

--swine flu
--any flu
--anything Kardashian
--Jon & Kate
--broadcasts that are fixated on Jon & Kate
   note to the "Today" show:  Jon &  Kate aren't news.  Stop it!

--David Letterman's problems
--Jay Leno's ratings
--references to "Bizzaro World"
--people complaining about far left and far right commentators
--winter weather predictions
--Tony Romo
--Brett Favre
--Kanye West
--struggling newspapers
--Weather Channel "doomsday" documentaries
--Chris Berman
--"Dancing with the Stars"
--Michael Moore
--people telling me how to sneeze
--hand sanitizer
--proper hand washing technique
--Dicky Betts
--texting while doing something else
--do nothing legislators
--the Pennsylvania budget
--people who are afraid to get flu shots
--those who defend and rationalize bad student SAT scores
--the iPhone
--the Blackberry
--the end.