Wednesday, October 6, 2010

As Others See Us

Philadelphia Spanish language newspaper car in Scranton

The final chapters have yet to be written, but I can't help but get the feeling that our area's reputation has taken a bit of a hit this week.

Two young men from Shenandoah are on trial in federal court at Scranton.  They're accused of violating the civil rights of a Mexican immigrant who was beaten to death in 2008.  The federal prosecution sprang up after a jury on the county level found the young men of only simple assault.

Does this foster the image that the federal government had to step in because the locals turned a blind eye to the killing of an illegal immigrant?  I've heard people express that point of view.  I'll leave it up to you to decide whether or not it's true.  There are those who believe just the opposite-- that the young men from Shenandoah are being tried twice for the same crime, and that's wrong.  A jury of their peers has already spoken.

Then, there's the case that came to light yesterday-- a heavy duty rifle stolen from a police officer's car.  Is that particular force the 2010 version of the Keystone Kops?  How could something like this happen?  One less than stellar event can severely damage a reputation, whether or not it's deserved.

I'm not sure what it shows, but I do know it proves that anyone can be a crime victim, even someone who has a gun and a badge.

And, I'm very happy to say the stolen rifle has been recovered and two people face charges.