Friday, January 27, 2012

The Line

It's a question I cannot answer.

Newt Gingrich is running for the Republican presidential nomination.  Gingrich is on his third wife, which is not unusual these days.  Last week, ABC News interviewed wife #2.  She claimed Gingrich wanted an "open marriage."  The ex says her husband wanted to "date" other women, while still being married to her.

Okay, here comes the question.  Where is the line?  It's nice to know a candidate's standards and morals, if he or she is trustworthy and is presidential material.  On the other hand, privacy is extremely important.

Gingrich was asked about it during a CNN debate on the 19th, and he lashed out at the media for going the tabloid route.

At what point does a candidate say "It's none of your business."

I just don't know.