Monday, August 6, 2012

The Jury's Still Out

I like Wilkes-Barre.  I really do.

There are problems, like government that seems to think people are there to serve it, rather than the other way around.  There are a lot of empty spaces downtown.  There are crime issues.

Be that as it may, Wilkes-Barre is a nice looking city.  You've seen the area along the river, on this blog, in the past.  There's some tremendous old architecture.  You have two active colleges downtown.

And, that brings us to the photo above, taken a little more than one week ago.  Wilkes University is constructing a $35 million science building.  Part of it will front on River Street, between two old buildings.

Below is an artist's rendering of the space.
Colleges and universities, along with Walmart and dollar stores, appear to be the only entities investing in our area and expanding.  I'm all for that.

My concern in this instance is aesthetic.  I simply believe the designers could have done a much better job blending the new Wilkes building into the old neighborhood.