Thursday, August 11, 2016

Round Up

There are times you get into really odd conversations, and this one took place at the gym yesterday morning.

A friend remarked that she bought a watermelon over the weekend, and it was really good.

I asked if it was round, and she replied that it was.  My gym buddy is only a few years younger, so we had many of the same experiences growing up.

Back in the day, watermelons were enormous oblong fruit.  Now, they're almost circular, like a basketball.  What's up with that?

I really like watermelon, if someone else is doing the work.  My friend and I agreed that slicing the round watermelon is more difficult than its oval cousins of years past.  I'm sure they taste just as good, and they have fewer seeds.  However, the round ones clearly have less delicious juicy flesh inside.

Science likes to improve everything.  The industry might have missed the mark with its basketball fruit.