Monday, June 10, 2019


I noted Saturday that it was the 40th anniversary of my high school graduation.

As I recall, it wasn't a happy time.  I didn't feel that I learned anything and I was terrified of bombing out at college.  I blame myself for the "not learning anything" part.  I didn't challenge myself enough.  No one at the school really cared enough to say "You shouldn't be here.  You should be taking another set of classes."  I do recall one teacher who told me he felt I should be on another track.  That was it.  It turns out I did OK in college.  That first semester was tough, and I had to work long and hard to get the hang of things, but I made it.  I knew more than I thought I did.

Back to graduation night, a Lackawanna County judge was the guest speaker.  Face it.  No one listens to those things.  Everyone is just looking at their watches (or phones).  The minutes passed like hours.  There has to be a better way.  Finally, it was over.

I do remember several of my classmates crying tears of sadness, not joy.  I couldn't understand it.  The shackles were off.  Freedom!  Celebrate!

I walked home to unwind.  It really wasn't that far.  I blew off a few opportunities to go out.  Instead, the Yankees were in Kansas City and I stayed home to watch the game.

The summer was spent pivoting toward college and transitioning away from high school.  It's funny.  I had a best friend in high school.  We all did.  We hung out every day for five years-- before school, during school, after school.  In those 40 years, I've seen him all of  three times.

I have been in touch with a few people from back in the day, but you have to realize that when we walked out the door of that school, we lost the just about only thing we had in common.