Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sad and Sweet Farewell

Everyone who knows me knows I am a person of routine.  I have a system.  I like things the same way, all the time.

There is a mini mart between my home and the office.  It has everything.  Most of my visits involve purchasing only one item-- a giant icy cold diet cola.

Imagine my horror when I saw the sign on the window that the store is closing for two months of renovations!  I need my early morning fix.  Yes, there are other mini marts.  It won't be the same.  The fountain soda here is tremendous-- perfect temperature, perfect blend of syrup and fizzy water.

The staff is unfailingly friendly.  They're all going to different stores in the chain until the renovations are complete.  I said my farewells the other morning.

It's going to be a long two months.