Friday, July 30, 2021

Let's Review


My second vacation week of the year is in the books, so let's review.

It was standard stuff for the most part-- gym, a bike ride, some photography, a little reading, and a lot of sleep.

The unusual aspects were that this vacation was more social than most-- dinner with a friend, a get together with another friend, and a gathering of some high school chums.  Included were a couple of guys I hadn't seen in forty years.

I got a hair cut and ventured in to Walmart for the first time in a year and a half.

I tried a new type of pizza and it will be months before all the garlic is out of my system.  It brought back a fond memory.

Unlike most other vacations, I did NOT grow my usual vacation beard.  I had too many social commitments and I didn't want to look grubby.

The vacation ends at ten tonight, and it's time.  I yearn for the excitement of the newsroom.

See you tomorrow.