Monday, March 28, 2022

Nighty Night


My dreams usually follow a pattern.  They are triggered by something that happened during the day.

Once in a while, my nocturnal strolls come out of nowhere.

Case in point:  Saturday afternoon.  I should note that when you work all night, afternoons are prime sleep time.

I had a dream that I was talking with Rush Limbaugh about weekend/vacation homes in Massachusetts, and I asked how long it took him to travel there from New York.  Rush replied about three hours.  Rush's vacation home was in a rather crowded development, and that surprised me.  It wasn't some solitary home way up in the mountains, away from civilization.

After I left Rush, I wandered through some strange and exotic city.  It wasn't foreign because everyone there spoke English.  There were some things I wanted to photograph, but I didn't have my camera.  Considerable time was spent in stores, looking for disposable models.  I couldn't find one.

Yeah, I can't figure it out, either.