Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Turn and Face the Strange


It's been slow lately, so I'm offering up this chestnut a few days early...

By "slow," I mean my kind of slow.  There is a lot going on nationally and internationally.  I can offer up opinions on silly little things, like the time change.  I still do news for a living, so I refrain from opinions on serious, newsy things.

Now that we have established that, let's talk about daylight saving time.  Why?  Studies have shown there is no longer a need for it.  There is talk, twice a year, of doing away with clock shifting.  It goes nowhere.

There is one plus for me, when you work a shift like mine, "spring forward" means one hour cut off my work week.  I'll work that extra hour in November.

And then, there are the minuses.  Sunrises will be delayed for a while.  I am in the vast, vast minority here, but late sunsets do nothing for me.  I have an air conditioner.  I have blackout curtains.  Still, it's more difficult to sleep when it's light, and it's great fun to get up at 9:30 pm to go to work, and it's still daylight.

Don't cry for me.  This is the life I have chosen, and it's served me very well, for a very long time.

Spring forward Sunday morning, and I'll call you back later.