Monday, April 25, 2022

Jeez, That Was Quick!


There is an old saying in the media biz, and I learned it shortly after I started working in commercial radio in 1981.

If it don't pay, it don't stay!

CNN+ just couldn't attract enough paid subscribers and it's shutting down.

CNN+ hired a few stars, including Chris Wallace, who I've always liked and respected.  There is a place for him somewhere on the main channel.

This isn't funny.  A lot of good people are losing their jobs.  It's just the result of a flawed business model.  There is enough news content for free, and people just didn't want to pay for something extra, that wasn't all that special.  On top of that, CNN is ratings challenged, so why would people pay for something they won't watch for free?   As it currently stands, CNN is a damaged brand.

As for other media types taking delight in this, always remember that the view is nicer from the high road.  Take a little internal delight, if you must.  Smile to yourself, and move on

CNN is under a new corporate structure, with new management.  Many feel CNN will veer away from that ill advised opinion based programming and  move back to good, old fashioned journalism and hard news. 

One can only hope.

Straight news might not be sexy, but it generates the quality audience that advertisers want.  You might not be at the top of the cable news ratings heap, but you can hold your head high.  Be proud of your product.

And, you will make money, so it stays.