Saturday, May 7, 2022

About the Cover


I had a little time off recently and I couldn't sleep.  It adds up to camera time and an attempt at getting some light trails.

I set up early Saturday morning at Mulberry and Penn in downtown Scranton.  The Chamber of Commerce building is on the left.  The veterans home is out of frame on the right.

There wasn't a lot of traffic, but there are times when you get lucky and you don't need much.  From the trails above and below, a truck went through the shot, providing the high lines.  If I remember correctly, the curved lines in the middle are from an ambulance, with most lights off, turning from Mulberry on to Penn.

And, as you can see from the traffic light and street light starbursts, I had the aperture choked down quite a bit.

I can't say I was totally thrilled, but I did get something that worked.