Thursday, December 1, 2022

Counting the Days


It's time for my annual thing that helps me trudge through a long, dark, cold winter.

Do the math.  The three coldest months of the year are December, January, and February.  It's roughly 100 days, so that makes every day during those three months one per cent of the roughest season of the year.

It's similar to the "one foot in front of the other" principle.  One day at a time.  It eventually ends.

I saw some long range forecasts.  They generally call for a slightly warmer and slightly milder winter.  You know how I feel about those things.  With apologies to my meteorologist friends, it's, at best, a guess.  Any forecast period of anything longer than one week just doesn't work for me.  How about that viscous hurricane season they predicted in the spring?  How many hit the USA?  Two?  Granted, Ian was a biggie, but the atmospheric Armageddon never really materialized.

It's strange to say, but I don't dread winter as much as I once did.  You will find the days move faster as you age.  When you're a kid, the school year seems like an eternity.  It takes forever to get that drivers license.  The time crawls before you can get into a bar to have a drink.  After that, ZOOM!

The cold can be dealt with.  Grab that puffy coat and a hat.  Snow, well, not so much.  Stay home if you can.  Drive carefully if you can't and make sure your vehicle is in good shape.

I'll be counting the days.