Monday, July 1, 2024

Follow Up Monday


We've been following the money problems at Keystone College.  Nearly thirty jobs were eliminated last week.  Some programs dropped.  That cannot be appealing to prospective students.  Keystone is not alone.  Many colleges and universities have been tightening their belts.  It's now a matter of adapt, or be left behind.

I took another look at the Jimmy Connors obituary I wrote for Newswatch 16 last week, and something hit me.  Many significant things happened during Connors' 12 years in office, and I was there for most of it.  It was history, and I'm fortunate to have been there to see it.

I made my first trip to the Scranton Giant supermarket in a few weeks.  Remember, this was the store damaged in an early morning fire in May.  The clean up crews did a great job.  I thought management would use the opportunity to freshen things up a bit.  The store looked exactly the same.  

The NFL got whacked with a huge judgement in the Sunday Ticket lawsuit, nearly $ 5 billion.  The league apparently forgot consumers these days have finite dollars to spend.  The rush to streaming is going to hurt.