Thursday, March 12, 2009

I Can't Keep Up

The Pennsylvania Lottery has come up with another way of separating you from your money. The first drawing in the "Super 7" game is tomorrow night. It replaces "Match 6," which I used to call the lottery game no one ever won.

I rarely buy lottery tickets. It's just not my thing. I do grab some scratchers from time to time. They're nice stocking stuffers, or an addition to a birthday card.

Yes, the lottery does fund senior citizens' programs. That's important, and it's nice because no one forces you to buy lottery tickets. However, I was never comfortable with the state being in the gambling business, and I felt that way when the first lottery tickets were introduced in the early 70's.

The lottery has become a news anchor's nightmare-- so many games to keep straight, so many numbers to read, so many jackpots to note. More names of games, more numbers. It becomes confusing at times, and I wonder if the audience can handle so many numbers coming at them so quickly.

The pressure to get money in the hands of the state is greater than ever before, so expect more lottery games to come flying through the screen in the years to come.