Tuesday, June 6, 2023



I was thrilled with the news!

There are plans to reopen the movie theaters at Lackawanna and Penn in downtown Scranton.  This building has been opened and closed at least a half a dozen times since the adjacent mall opened in the early 90's.  I took the photo you see above after Marquee pulled out in 2017.

The new plan is for movies, comedy shows, e-sports, food, music, etc.  The facade will be re-done.  the owner promises Las Vegas style lighting.  That is a must.  As it stands now, that corner is dark and unattractive, even when the theater was open.

You know what?  It's all irrelevant.  

The success or failure of the venture comes down to one word:  security.

There were issues here in the past.  People won't come downtown at night and use a parking garage if they don't feel safe.  It's as simple as that.

So, while you renovate the inside, pop gourmet corn,  and put up flashy lights outside, invest in safety.  Hire security guards and off duty cops to walk the streets, the elevators and the parking decks.  The security will pay off.

This part of the city should be alive again.