Thursday, June 22, 2023



Don't get me wrong.  Don't misunderstand me.  In no uncertain terms, the disappearance of that submersible in the north Atlantic is absolutely horrible.  My concern goes out to everyone involved and their families.  It's so sad.  

I am so impressed with the bravery of those dedicated to the search.

The expedition was out to take a look at the Titanic's wreckage.

I've always had mixed feelings about doing that.

Yes, it's important to learn what happened and why.  We can learn.  We can make sea travel safer.  We can learn abut the ocean, what it does, and what it can do.

Having said that, 1,514 people died there.  We are poking around in their cemetery, in their graves.  It just seems disrespectful.

Yes, again, archaeology is important, even under water.  We dig up graves all the time, sometimes deliberately, sometimes by accident.  Not to diminish the seriousness of this, but there was a "Barney Miller" episode several years about a man who vandalized a college archaeology department because he felt his ancestors were dishonored.

I do realize it's still possible to visit the sites of tragedies and still show respect.  I hope that's what we've done in the past, and what we will do in the future.