Saturday, August 11, 2012

Good Photography Saturday

It was a problem with no right answer.

I pulled an extra overnight shift last month.  It would have been very, very easy to go home and crash, but that would have loused up what's left of my internal body clock.  I had a normal, if you can call a 3 AM start normal, shift the next day, so I decided to stay up as long as possible.

If I stayed home, I surely would have fallen asleep, so I grabbed my camera, jumped in the car and went south.  It wasn't the primary reason for my visit, but I did spend a few minutes at WNEP's Pocono Newsroom on Main Street in Stroudsburg.  Reporter Raegan Medgie and photographer Dan Turansky were preparing for their day.

Dan worked the weekend overnight shift, with me for a while, but that was a long time ago.  You can never see enough of The Medge.  I hadn't been in the Pocono Newsroom since the construction phase, and that was more than a few years ago.  Outstanding facility.

Bottom line:  we had a nice visit.

By the way, why don't I have a cool chair like that?