Saturday, June 10, 2017

Andy's Angles: Fix It!

I should have gotten to this one sooner. 

We needed a backdrop to introduce some Memorial Day pieces, so one of my go-to locations is part of Nay Aug Park in Scranton dedicated to soldiers who lost their lives in recent wars.

I was lucky, in that there's a gazebo type structure at the head of Davis Trail, just to the right of this photo.  it kept me out of the rain.

On the other hand, I was supremely disappointed with this section of the park.  It was dark.  It was trashy.  It was weedy, and the trees are badly in need of a trim.  There are lights on a flagpole near by.  Running a line just an extra few feet to light the memorial wouldn't be that difficult.  I know the area, so I made sure photographer Erich loaded some extra lights into the truck.

As for the overgrown trees, weeds, and trash...  that's up to the city.  soldiers who gave their lives deserve better.