Thursday, October 26, 2023

Let's Review


Another vacation draws to an end tomorrow night.  As is customary, here is a review of the past ten days.

I really didn't do much of anything.  Caught up on some sleep.  Did some reading.  Received yet another vaccination.  Had conversations with the cat.  A little shopping.

Note, I didn't say "Grew a beard.  Shaved off a beard."   I usually park the razor on vacations, and it has no point.  My beard just starts to look half decent, and the itching is subsiding, when it's time to shave it off and come back to work.  Plus,  I had to be seen in public a few times, so I shaved a few times.

I still have two more vacation weeks to burn off, plus several scattered individual days.  However, it will be tough to top this past week when it comes to a lack of productivity.