Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Unfinished Tuesday



California senator Diane Feinstein died Friday.  90.  I respect her years of service to her country, but she was in such poor health in recent months.  Feinstein should have stepped aside.

The U.S. Senate reversed itself and the dress code is back.  It really seems the public wanted this.

What's with the recent rash of water main breaks?  We usually get them when the ground freezes in the winter and thaws in the summer.  We're early.  It's another sign of our aging infrastructure.

The Orioles signed a 30 year deal to stay in Baltimore.  Yes, the stadium is getting old and needs updating, but it would have been criminal if the team left town.

There is a great web site called 506Sports.com.  It lists network college and pro football games every week, what part of the country receives them, the network, and the announcers.  While I'm not a great sports viewer these days, I do enjoy the weekly updates.  Speaking of announcers, who are these people?

The writers' strike is over, and while I admire the craft, it really didn't affect my life.

I recently joined a Facebook group dedicated to the memory of the Mutual Broadcasting System.  At one time, it was among the greats.  However, it changed hands several times, lost its way, and went out of business.  The group is fascinating stuff, and yes, yours truly contributed to Mutual when there were big stories here in our area.

Bryce Harper's meltdown Thursday night certainly was entertaining, and he signed the helmet for the kid who caught the helmet he tossed in to the stands.  The umpire involved has a history of bad calls.  How is he still employed by MLB?

I always believed lobster is over-rated.  Yet, the hot versus cold lobster roll debate is fascinating.  Me?  Neither.  However, I can eat shrimp until the cows come home.

A re-boot of "The Office" is said to be in the works.  I wonder if it will be funny this time.  I genuinely tried to like it, but I couldn't stick around for more than ten minutes.