Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Orange Crush


Today, my friends, it is proof that some organizations and their employees have far too much time on their hands.

Case in point:  The Pennsylvania Beverage and Licensed Tavern Association.  I'm sure they do good work.  After all, there are still many mom and pop taverns across the state, and they need a voice in Harrisburg.

The Association has named its official adult beverage of 2023.  It is the "Orange Crush."   The drink is a mixture of orange juice, orange flavored vodka, triple sec, and citrus flavored soda.  Oranges are the garnish.

Why the "Orange Crush?"  I guess it's because Pennsylvania is famous for its oranges.


The state has so many great breweries and distilleries.  Is "Orange Crush" the best we can do?