Thursday, July 27, 2023



I have no problem with arguments.  This country was built on the fact that we disagreed with the British over oh so many things.

We fight in the newsroom all the time.  Healthy debate is good for a news organization, as all sides of an issue are aired.

Having established that foundation, it still dismays and saddens me that everything has become a fight these days.  Economic policy, foreign policy, the Department of Justice, immigration policy, education, even Jason Aldean.  That stuff really makes me sad.  

It's even on the state level.  As I write this, we still don't have a state budget.  It was supposed to be in place July 1.

There used to be a time when we compromised.  There was a give and take.  No one was totally happy when it was over, but each side received something.  I fear those days are gone, never to return.  It breeds depression, cynicism, pessimism, and even downright anger.

Still, it would be nice to reach a consensus on one issue.  Just one.  It's a start.