Wednesday, July 26, 2023



Sleeping Homer is back, and veteran blog readers that signals a vacation week has arrived.  Let's pray this one goes better than the last.

I usually take the same weeks off every year.  The end of July happens to be the hottest time of the year, so it will be nice to ditch the suits, dress shirts and ties for a little while.

As always, my plans include reading, sleeping, maybe a little shopping, and getting out with my camera.  I stay close to home and I like it that way.

Broadcaster and podcaster Tony Kornheiser had the best line about why he doesn't take extravagant vacations.  "I can get away from everything.  I can't get away from me."  Kornheiser and I have something in common-- an inability to relax.  Be that as it may, I'll try.

The weekend morning broadcasts are in good hands.

I'll still post here and there during my time off.

Be safe, and I'll call you back later.