Saturday, December 16, 2023

Top Ten Honorable Mention: Winter


The winter of 22-23 will go down in the books as one of the stranger ones in the history of northeastern and central Pennsylvania.

December was warm, except for a cold snap around Christmas.

2023 started very mild, and until the third week of the month, we were on track to have the warmest and least snowy January in history.

That all changed the morning of January 22nd.  Rain turned to ice, and then snow.  There wasn't much of an accumulation, but it was enough to cause issues.  Cold air and more snow followed the rest of the week.

This photo was taken early on the morning of January 22nd.  I was at the Mount Cobb interchange with Interstate 84 in Jefferson Township, Lackawanna County.  Elevation:  1655 feet.

The road signs provided the perfect visual aid for Newswatch 16 This Morning.  It showed the precipitation started as rain, then freezing rain, and finally snow.  This is the view looking west.

It doesn't take much, after a mild spell, to snap you back to reality.

Tomorrow, a favorite destination.