Monday, December 18, 2023

Top Ten Honorable Mention: Slaughterhouse Fire


A case of arson destroyed the old slaughterhouse along Hull Avenue in Olyphant the afternoon of February 25.  I wandered in a couple of days later to take a look and document the loss of part of the Queen City's history.

It was an ugly building and it was slated to come down, anyway.  As I walked around the rubble, I thought of all the people who worked here over the years.  I vividly remember watching all those trucks entering and leaving town when I was in elementary and high school a few blocks away.

Are the seeds of victory really planted in every defeat?

I paid a return visit in late April as demolition was nearly complete.

I wonder what the new chapter of the site holds.  There are plans to build apartments here, but there is a fight concerning that.

There was a Studebaker dealership here, as well.  I was concerned a classic masonry logo would be lost.

I'm happy to report the Studebaker logo was saved, and the apartments, if they are ever built, will take on the Studebaker name.

Every vote counts, and that's tomorrow's entry.