Thursday, April 4, 2024

Just My Luck!


I had a medical check up last week.  Routine.  Nothing major.  It was my first in two years.  Yes, I know that's bad.

I knew my doctor would order blood work.  I saw that coming.  Yes, I know it's routine.  As a preemptive strike, I fasted before my medical appointment, so I wouldn't have to go back for the blood work.  Easy.  I finished with the doctor on the second floor.  Next stop:  the first floor lab.  After a quick jab, I was out the door.  

Life is not without complications.  The doctor also wanted a urine sample.  I didn't have to go!  We skipped that and rescheduled for Monday afternoon, right after work.  I didn't have to go all the way to the lab in the same building as my doctor.  I could drop by the lab a just couple of miles from home.

Sounds like a plan!

I drank my body weight in Diet Pepsi while I was at the office Monday morning.  Water, too.  I came tearing in to the lab's parking lot at 12:40, twenty minutes before my appointment.  My bladder couldn't hold another drop.

Imagine my horror when I saw the sign on the door:  the lab staff would be out to lunch until 1 pm.  I had to hold it!

In case I couldn't, there were several stores and restaurants within running distance.  Fate smiled on me.  The old bladder can still get the job done.

The lab reopened at exactly 1 pm, and I jumped out of my car, bolting for the lab's door.

I was doing the "I really have to pee" dance as the attendant asked all the required questions.  I asked her to hurry up because I really had to go.  I was never as happy as I was when she handed me the cup.  

I could have filled a dozen of them.

At least, I don't have to go through that ordeal for another six months.