Wednesday, March 8, 2023

First Person: Snow Day


It was one of those days when you knew what you would be doing, long before I waved my pass at the door at 2 am.  Snow in the forecast means only one thing:  road reports!

It is an inexact science.  You know it's going to snow, but this was one of those storms where the totals varied greatly, even within a few miles.

Elizabeth Worthington was given the Hazleton assignment.  I had to come up with another place.  A caucus with the staff ensued.  We chose Jim Thorpe.

Let me back up a bit.  I got up around 11 Monday night.  A look out the bedroom window showed a dry street.  Great!  I watched a couple "Barney Miller" episodes.  When they were done, the snow had started.  It didn't stick to the street, but the grass was quickly covered.

The ride to work was uneventful.  I skipped my usual mini mart stop for a giant soda to save some time, just in case.  I didn't need it.  I regret not grabbing the soda.

The ride to Jim Thorpe was a little different-- some slush, nothing major.  It did slow us down a few times.  We made our live location with plenty of time to spare.

Why Jim Thorpe?  Why not?  We don't visit Carbon County all that often during our morning broadcasts, so it was something different.  Plus, it's visual.  I had a great time.  There is so much to see, even at 4 in the morning.  I snapped off a few smart phone photos, and you will see them here in the weeks to come.

Photographer Jason and I wrapped up a little before 7, and it was a ride back to the office.  By the way, those relatively new ramps near Hickory Run are such a major time saver.

I have a feeling this will not be the last snow story of the year.