Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Wednesday Scrapple


Am I the last person in America without a podacst?

Words cannot express my disinterest in a "Friends" reunion.

Raw mushrooms in a salad?  Fine.  Cook them, and I hate them.

I can watch massive amounts of dominoes tumble, but I have no interest in watching a TV show about people making Lego sculptures.

I understand I received one write-in vote for mayor of Scranton in the recent primary.  I am humbled and honored.  On to November!

It's amazing how many high school, college, and minor league baseball teams wear uniforms based on White Sox and Astros designs from the 70's.  No complaints.  It's a good look.

I dread the approach of fireworks season.

My days as a rabid baseball fan ended long ago, but it still troubles me that the Orioles and Pirates are so awful this season.

Cicada hype.  Stop.  They're just bugs.

When you work all night and sleep all day, a chilly rainy day in the late spring isn't necessarily a bad thing.  for the rest of you, I'm sorry it fell on a holiday weekend.

Congratulations to friend and former co-worker Cassie Semyon, who has added weekend evening anchor to her duties at her station in Maryland.

I rarely mail things, but 58 cents to send a card, letter, or bill payment from coast to coast still seems like a bargain.