Sunday, April 10, 2022

Classic Andy's Angles: Team Effort


Yesterday, I kicked off a weekend dedicated to memories of the Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton implosion.  It took place 30 years ago Tuesday.

I'll spare you a rehash of the details.  Please consult my April 5 blog entry for the background.

Anything like the size of live coverage of something as big as an implosion takes a lot of people.  I was lucky to work with a great bunch, who gave up part of their weekend to make some interesting TV.

I don't remember who took the top photo, but it was taken in the lobby of my old TV station, and I think it was before the blast.  Dave Jones is at my right.  He was in the helicopter on implosion morning.  Dave and I went to college together, we worked here together, and he started at WNEP a month after I did.  Dave retired in October.

The gentleman on my left is Chief photographer Jim Keenan.  He shot my audition package in the late 80's.  The man had a calming effect.  All was well when he was in the driver's seat of the news car.  When you handed him a script to edit, you knew a good story would be the result.

Below is the control room crew that chilly April morning, a diverse bunch who came together to document local history.