Friday, April 15, 2022

Growing Despair


It is my Thursday before Easter ritual-- set out for some flowers to brighten up the house, and this year, it was a real challenge.

There is an art to it.  You have to find flowers still in the bud stage and hope you time it right so they are blooming on Easter Sunday morning.  They look good in the store, but when you bring them to a warm and humid kitchen, they explode.

Big box home improvement store number one had a lousy supply and they seemed to be lacking tender, loving care.  I found a pot of tulips that were adequate.  The soil was dry, and I fixed that when I returned home.  The rest of the selection, if you can call it that, was hideous.

Big box home improvement store number two was even worse.  I left empty handed.

I had to hit a supermarket for some other things.  Low and behold, there was a potted plant I rather liked.

Flower Tent, you might ask...  It seems there aren't as many as there used to be, and none were close to my route.

This is one of those years where I didn't get exactly what I wanted, but I wound up with some things that will work.