Saturday, August 19, 2023

Andy's Angles: Ripe


I haven't had a vegetable garden in eons.  When I did,  there was a yearly tomato issue.  It seems like they took forever to ripen, and when it did happen, they ripened all at once.

I guess that explains the popularity of cherry tomatoes and grape tomatoes.  They are ready early in the growing season.

Todays photos are from the Garden of Cedar, a community garden along Cedar Avenue in Scranton.  It was my first visit, and I was really impressed.  Every planter was filled with vegetables and flowers, and it was well maintained.

I visited early on the morning of August 2.  Most of the tomatoes were green.  I'm sure by the time this entry hits, they will be red, ripe, and ready to be enjoyed.  There is nothing like a vine ripened, home grown tomato.