Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Isn't It a Pity?


I once worked with a lawyer who had the strongest sense of right and wrong I've ever encountered.  Watching the little guy get hosed and taken advantage of made his blood boil.  He's gone and I miss his wisdom dearly.

That brings me to today's entry.

Yellow Trucking shut down last month.   One of the final nails in the coffin came late Sunday night, when the company filed for bankruptcy.

Trucking industry experts were quoted by the Associated Press as saying Yellow took on too much debt and was horribly mismanaged.  30,000 people lose their jobs.  Plus, there is the collateral damage from truck repair garages, truck stops, equipment manufacturers, etc.  It doesn't end there.  Businesses will have to find other shippers, and at a higher cost.  Yellow was known for its low rates.

All those workers deserve more than a severance check and unemployment compensation.  They deserve an apology.