Thursday, August 3, 2023

Only in Lackawanna County...


Our friends at the Scranton Times-Tribune did a story this week on the malfunctioning fountains on Courthouse Square in downtown Scranton.  The newspaper discovered the fountains have an underground leak.  There is a fear the granite slabs will be broken if and when they decide to dig to find the source of the leak, and no one can find a copy of the blueprints.  Plus, there is the expense.

In the meantime, the fountains are turned off, making a sea of concrete and granite even larger, and drier.  

Only in Lackawanna County!

As regular blog readers know, I've never been a fan of the renovations here.  The "wall" is inappropriate for the site.  There is far too much masonry.

A broken fountain serves no purpose, and it sends the wrong message to visitors.  We can fix a mural at the city's entrance, but a centerpiece at one of the area's signature buildings will remain busted.  

Fix the fountains, or get rid of them.