Thursday, August 24, 2023

Back to School


Newswatch 16's Clair Alfree has the desk next to mine in the WNEP newsroom, and we were both in pursuit of the same thing Tuesday morning-- back to school stories.

Claire worked the phones.  I emailed school people I knew, working a few contacts.  I couldn't help overhearing Claire's calls.  We both succeeded in finding what we were looking for.

In my day, it was a trip to the Globe or Jean King a couple of weeks before school started.  Maybe Sears and Penney's.  Supplies came from places like Sugerman's or another big box discount store.  It was not a difficult process.  No Staples back then.  No Amazon, either.

Times have changed.  Technology was supposed to make our lives easier.  On the contrary.  It's now more complicated than ever and there is still the big unknown of artificial intelligence out there.

Back to school day is one of the more emotional days on the calendar.  Kids cry.  Parents cry.  Anticipation.  Optimism.  Fear.   Growth.   It's all out there, and I'm sure every second will be photographed for, and documented on the internet.

Honestly, the first day of school was never one of my favorite days.  While it was nice to see old friends, June and the end of the school year seemed like a century away, rather than nine little months.

Thank you in advance for sharing your stories, and look for  Newswatch 16 crew at a school near you.