Saturday, September 2, 2023

About the Cover

There are a couple of stories behind this month's header.

My childhood neighborhood  never had mosquitoes when I was growing up because all the old Italian men in town smoked Parodi's and the aroma kept them away.

It broke my heart when Parodi abandoned this building along North Main Avenue in Scranton.  We lost a lot of history when production moved.

A developer stepped in and turned the factory in to apartments.

Let's fast forward to the morning of  Tuesday, August 22.   I was running early, so I avoided Interstate 81 and took the long way to work, down Main Avenue.  I find long drives in the middle of the night to be therapeutic.  Think time.  Singing along with the oldies radio station and no one sees you.

As I was driving south on Main, I saw an unfamiliar orange reddish glow in the distance.  As I drove closer, I spied what you see above and it absolutely blew me away.  I could not get it out of my mind.

I returned with my camera on one of my days off, early on the morning of the 24th.  Radar showed a gap in the showers and I had my opportunity around 5 am.  The wet street, reflecting the lights, adds to the atmosphere.

How I got the shot?   It was a 10 second exposure at f 11, and I really had to under expose.  The brightness of the sign on the front absolutely blew everything else away, and I really should have underexposed even more.   There wasn't much traffic, so there is only a single light trail in the south bound lane of Main Avenue.

There is even more lighting in the back, which you can see while traveling on the North Scranton Expressway.  I was going to shoot it, but I didn't want to get arrested for prowling.  Now that the sun sets earlier and rises later, I'll be back at a more reasonable hour.

A couple of different angles tomorrow.