Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Tuesday Scrapple


Is there anyone who doesn't hit the "skip ad" button when they have the chance?

I'm still amazed at the number of people who ignore the "wipers on, headlights on" law.

A giant mine related sink hole opened up in Glen Lyon Sunday.  Considering this area's history and how mine owners skirted the rules for years, I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.

Ophelia's slow movement was frustrating.  I've never been close to a hurricane or tropical storm.  One day, I'd like to be at the beach, safely, and watch the big waves.

Thanks to the people from Nicholson, who gave me a ton of blog hits over the weekend.

Even though I don't watch much television, other than the news, I'm happy the Hollywood writers union strike is over.

Amazon Prime Video is adding commercials.  How much more money does this company need?

It looks like NBC's "Tonight" show is taking on water because of allegations of Jimmy Fallon's misbehavior.  I've always said Fallon is a talented guy, but "Tonight" isn't the right vehicle for him.

The new iPhones are out.  I'll pass.

I don't find supermarket shopping as much fun these days.

There are dozens of Facebook pages dedicated to dead and dying malls.  I look at a few from time to time, remembering when malls used to be cool.

I watched a few "Quiz Show" clips over the weekend, just an outstanding movie.

I'm really looking forward to fall foliage season.

It's a good thing I don't gamble.  There were simply some bizarre football outcomes, pro and college, over the weekend.

The new "The Price is Right" studio made its debut yesterday.  The producers were smart not to screw around with a classic look.