Friday, September 8, 2023

John Hart


I'm sorry I didn't get to this until now, but somehow the passing of John Hart escaped me.  I didn't learn of John's death until I saw page one of his wonderful community newspaper, The Dunmorean.

I first met John when he worked for the old Scrantonian Tribune.  We hit it off.   He was such a nice man, and very kind to newbies in the business.

John is responsible for one of the funnier moments in my radio career.  I was working for WARM 590 while John was promoting a big festival at Nay Aug Park in Scranton.  My assignment that day was to do a story on the upcoming festival.  By the way, I believed then, as I do now, that Nay Aug Park is an underused asset.

Be that as it may, John and I were riding around the park in a golf cart, and he listed the attractions and where there would be located.  John pointed to the area where there would be kiddie rides and things children would enjoy.  He added, "Over here, we will have the adult entertainment."  Of course, John meant polka bands, big band music, and things for the older crowd.  People with a playful imagination, including some of my afternoon news cohorts, joked that "adult entertainment" sounded a big naughty, and we got a good laugh out of it while I was editing the tape.

John loved Scranton and Carbondale, old cars, old trains, and old trolleys.  Our community is a better place because we had John Hart on our side.  I'm glad I knew him.