Thursday, September 28, 2023

Here We Go Again


There is a new bill in the state legislature to get rid of smoking just about everywhere.  As it stands now, you can still smoke in smoke shops, parts of casinos, and bars that make less than 20 per cent of their money from food.

There is a strong lobby to kill this bill, like similar bills in the past.  Watching this one die wouldn't surprise me.  As has been said many times, follow the money.  Some people and organizations with big bucks never want this bill to see the light of day.

A dead bill makes no sense on several levels.  It's been proven, time and again, that there is no safe level of second hand smoke.  Bill opponents say going in to an establishment that allows smoking is a personal choice.  The same goes with working there.  I do get that, but there is a long list of safe workplace regulations already on the books.  Why second hand smoke isn't on the list is a mystery.

I'm not as much of a fanatic about this issue these days.  It's really easy to avoid places that allow smoking, and I really don't go out as much, anywhere, these days.

Bill killers predict the economic collapse of the casino and bar industry.  Show me.  Places that have totally banned smoking are not boarded up.  Casinos are still making box car loads of money.  Bars adapt.  You might lose some smokers along the way.  You'll gain the people who don't like smoke, and probably wind up with more customers in the long run.

Call me skeptical, but it was a nice try.