Friday, November 17, 2023

Right on Red, Death, and Two Broadcasters


There is a move afoot to ban drivers from making legal "right on red" turns at traffic lights.  The reason is too many collisions involving pedestrians.

I get that.

I've long used this space to complain about a lack of civility on the roads-- speeding, tailgating, no turn signals, no headlights during rain storms...

I haven't talked about right on red until now.  Right on red saves time, gasoline, and money.  But, what is the cost of a human life?  How are much are we saving as people are struck down in intersections?

Remember, the law says a right on red is legal AS LONG AS YOU COME TO A COMPLETE STOP FIRST!  All too often, I see drivers slow down slightly, and keep moving through the intersection when the light is red.  Some don't even bother to slow down.

Perhaps the solution is more enforcement at intersections before we toss out the law.

But, if it's a choice between saving a few seconds and saving a life, the choice is clear.  Hit the brakes and stay put until the light turns green. 

And, while I prattle on about traffic violations...  A 13 year old was shot in the head and killed in Wilkes-Barre Monday night.  Homicide, says the coroner.  Police haven't given many details on this one, but they do say another juvenile is the suspect.  There are so many unanswered questions on this case, and we really do deserve answers.  The biggest include the source of the gun and how a child that young became indifferent to the value of a human life.

Charissa Thompson admitted to making up things while she was a sideline reporter on NFL games.  This doesn't rise to the level of Brian Williams, who embellished news reports during his NBC days.  Thompson deals in the playland known as sports.  Still, there is no excuse for this.  A lie is a lie.  If Charissa Thompson worked for me, she wouldn't be working for me.  Thompson showed blatant disrespect for her employers and the viewers.

And Ken Squier died this week.  88.  He broadcast NASCAR for CBS and TBS.  Squier was the embodiment of dignity and respect.  He helped NASCAR grow to where it is today.   Squier's biography should be required reading for Ms Thompson.