Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Iced Over


The forecast called for unpleasant weather yesterday morning.  Ice.  That's worse than snow.  To make it worse, most of it was scheduled to begin during what we in the business call "morning drive."  It's the time period when a lot of people are headed off to work, and the children are on their way to school.

I'm a "safety first" guy.  If the weather is going to be iffy, stay home!  Work.  School.  Everything else.

My focus today is school.  Some districts called in "three hour delays."  Three hours!  What's the point?  It doesn't leave much education time.  Just go flexible or remote-- or simply make up the day at the end of the year.

At least, school districts were thinking about the safety of the students, the bus drivers, and everyone else on the road...  and there is nothing wrong with that.