Monday, January 8, 2024



  1. occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
    "a serendipitous encounter"

You never know what you'll find when you stroll through the WNEP archives.

I dug in to the computer files on New Year's Eve.  My goal was to find an old New Year story for a "Video Vault" segment.  As I scrolled through the massive amount of video, I discovered that New Year's Eve, 2023, was the 40th anniversary of the grand opening of the Lackawanna Station hotel.  It was a Hilton back then, and above is a photo I took several years ago.

The building had been closed for years, and it was nearly torn down.  Thank heaven, common sense prevailed.  It would have been a tragedy to see something like this destroyed.

Tours were offered before renovation began in the early 80's, and I regret not being there for that.  I was never inside when it was a train station.  

At least, I was around for the finished product and it's been a good 40.